普里西拉·法雅Priscilla Faia

  • 出生地:加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚省,维多利亚生日:1985-10-23 (38 岁)
  • 简 介: Born in Victoria, British Columbia.Faia was signed by a talent agent at the age of 8 and began taking classes at the Screen Actors Studio in Victoria by the time she was 9. After moving to Vancouver at the age of 22 Faia found some acting work in commercials and a small role in the Steven Seagal miniseries True Justice.During this time she studied under Matthew Harrison at the Actor's Foundry.



  • 中文名:普里西拉·法雅
  • 别名: Priscilla Faia
  • 身高:未知
  • 体重:未知
  • 地区:加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚省,维多利亚
  • 星座:天秤座
  • 血型:未知
  • 生日:1985-10-23
  • 出生地:加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚省,维多利亚
  • 职业:演员
  • 代表作品:青涩警队 第六季 
Born in Victoria, British Columbia.Faia was signed by a talent agent at the age of 8 and began taking classes at the Screen Actors Studio in Victoria by the time she was 9. After moving to Vancouver at the age of 22 Faia found some acting work in commercials and a small role in the Steven Seagal miniseries True Justice.During this time she studied under Matthew Harrison at the Actor's Foundry.



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