桑扎尔·马季耶夫Sanjar Madi

  • 出生地:哈萨克斯坦,阿拉木图生日:1986-08-04 (37 岁)
  • 简 介: Sanjar Madi was born on August 4, 1986 in Almaty, Kazakhstan in an ordinary family. His mother is a teacher and father is a writer. In his early childhood, Sanjar escaped from his first kindergarten. At school he took part in the performances, composed songs, painted, and took up dancing classes. When it was time to go to the University, he firstly decided to get the education in Economics. After three years of studying he decided to get the t...






    • 中文名:桑扎尔·马季耶夫
    • 别名: Sanjar Madi
    • 身高:未知
    • 体重:未知
    • 地区:哈萨克斯坦,阿拉木图
    • 星座:狮子座
    • 血型:未知
    • 生日:1986-08-04
    • 出生地:哈萨克斯坦,阿拉木图
    • 职业:演员/导演/编剧
    • 代表作品:圣诞树2 
    Sanjar Madi was born on August 4, 1986 in Almaty, Kazakhstan in an ordinary family. His mother is a teacher and father is a writer. In his early childhood, Sanjar escaped from his first kindergarten. At school he took part in the performances, composed songs, painted, and took up dancing classes. When it was time to go to the University, he firstly decided to get the education in Economics. After three years of studying he decided to get the t...



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