Ashley FiolekFiolek Ashley Fiolek

  • 出生地:美国,密歇根州,迪尔伯恩生日:1990-10-22 (33 岁)
  • 简 介: Fiolek was born in Dearborn, Michigan, and has been deaf since birth. In August 1998, the Fiolek family moved to St. Augustine, Florida, so Ashley could attend the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, the largest school of this type in the United States. At the school, she studied ballet, ran track, and played basketball. When Fiolek finished eighth grade, her parents decided to begin homeschooling her.As a child, her family often went to ...






      • 中文名: Ashley Fiolek
      • 别名: Fiolek Ashley Fiolek
      • 身高:未知
      • 体重:未知
      • 地区:美国,密歇根州,迪尔伯恩
      • 星座:天秤座
      • 血型:未知
      • 生日:1990-10-22
      • 出生地:美国,密歇根州,迪尔伯恩
      • 职业:演员
      • 代表作品:错位青春 第一季 
      Fiolek was born in Dearborn, Michigan, and has been deaf since birth. In August 1998, the Fiolek family moved to St. Augustine, Florida, so Ashley could attend the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, the largest school of this type in the United States. At the school, she studied ballet, ran track, and played basketball. When Fiolek finished eighth grade, her parents decided to begin homeschooling her.As a child, her family often went to ...



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