Raghav Juyal

  • 出生地:印度生日:未知
  • 简 介: Raghav Juyal is an Indian dancer and choreographer. He is renowned as the King of Slow Motion for his surreal dance moves in slow motion style and for his flawless reinvention of the Slow Motion Walk. His stage name Crockroaxz best describes his dancing style which is an amalgamation of being powerful like a crocodile and creepy like a cockroach. Raghav has become a youth icon inspiring dancers, who gleefully imitate his trademark moves and da...






      • 中文名: Raghav Juyal
      • 别名:未知
      • 身高:未知
      • 体重:未知
      • 地区:印度
      • 星座:未知
      • 血型:未知
      • 生日:未知
      • 出生地:印度
      • 职业:演员
      • 代表作品:人人皆舞者2:舞 
      Raghav Juyal is an Indian dancer and choreographer. He is renowned as the King of Slow Motion for his surreal dance moves in slow motion style and for his flawless reinvention of the Slow Motion Walk. His stage name Crockroaxz best describes his dancing style which is an amalgamation of being powerful like a crocodile and creepy like a cockroach. Raghav has become a youth icon inspiring dancers, who gleefully imitate his trademark moves and da...



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