
  • 出生地:美国,北卡罗莱纳州,夏洛特生日:1982-07-26 (41 岁)
  • 简 介: Reed was born in Columbia, South Carolina. He is of Italian and Greek descent. Reed attended the University of South Carolina, where he played college basketball. He holds a degree in psychology. He also studied theatre in college. Reed was working as a print and runway model when he moved to Los Angeles to continue modeling and pursue a mainstream acting career. He shot for Playgirl a couple of times before entering the adult fi...



  • 中文名:洛克·瑞德
  • 别名:未知
  • 身高:未知
  • 体重:未知
  • 地区:美国,北卡罗莱纳州,夏洛特
  • 星座:狮子座
  • 血型:未知
  • 生日:1982-07-26
  • 出生地:美国,北卡罗莱纳州,夏洛特
  • 职业:演员
  • 代表作品:好似天堂-丈夫去 
Reed was born in Columbia, South Carolina. He is of Italian and Greek descent. Reed attended the University of South Carolina, where he played college basketball. He holds a degree in psychology. He also studied theatre in college. Reed was working as a print and runway model when he moved to Los Angeles to continue modeling and pursue a mainstream acting career. He shot for Playgirl a couple of times before entering the adult fi...



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