道格拉斯·席尔瓦Douglas Silva

  • 出生地:巴西,里约热内卢州,里约热内卢市生日:1988-09-27 (35 岁)
  • 简 介: Douglas Silva (born September 27, 1988)[1] is a Brazilian actor. He is known for played Dadinho (Li'l Dice) in the 2002 Brazilian film, City of God. He also played Acerola in the spin-off series City of Men and the 2007 film based on it.He became the first Brazilian actor to be nominated for the International Emmy Award.He married on November 7, 2008 with Carolina Brito at a party house in Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. The same day Carolina ...






      • 中文名:道格拉斯·席尔瓦
      • 别名: Douglas Silva
      • 身高:未知
      • 体重:未知
      • 地区:巴西,里约热内卢州,里约热内卢市
      • 星座:天秤座
      • 血型:未知
      • 生日:1988-09-27
      • 出生地:巴西,里约热内卢州,里约热内卢市
      • 职业:演员/制片人
      • 代表作品:上帝之城 
      Douglas Silva (born September 27, 1988)[1] is a Brazilian actor. He is known for played Dadinho (Li'l Dice) in the 2002 Brazilian film, City of God. He also played Acerola in the spin-off series City of Men and the 2007 film based on it.He became the first Brazilian actor to be nominated for the International Emmy Award.He married on November 7, 2008 with Carolina Brito at a party house in Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. The same day Carolina ...



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