塔格·墨菲Tadhg Murphy

  • 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林生日:1979-05-30 (45 岁)
  • 简 介: At the age of 13, Tadhg Murphy, a chatty, funny Dubliner, lost an eye in an accident. “I decided right then I wanted to be the lead singer in a band or an actor,” he says. Tadhg says his group were “brutal”, but he proved to have a knack for the acting. Following a spell in Trinity College Dublin, he secured regular roles on Black Sails and Vikings.In 2017, he kicks up another gear with two exciting new TV series. In Will, a study of Sha...






    • 中文名:塔格·墨菲
    • 别名: Tadhg Murphy
    • 身高:未知
    • 体重:未知
    • 地区:爱尔兰,都柏林
    • 星座:双子座
    • 血型:未知
    • 生日:1979-05-30
    • 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林
    • 职业:演员
    • 代表作品:黑帆 第二季 
    At the age of 13, Tadhg Murphy, a chatty, funny Dubliner, lost an eye in an accident. “I decided right then I wanted to be the lead singer in a band or an actor,” he says. Tadhg says his group were “brutal”, but he proved to have a knack for the acting. Following a spell in Trinity College Dublin, he secured regular roles on Black Sails and Vikings.In 2017, he kicks up another gear with two exciting new TV series. In Will, a study of Sha...



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